Club News Winter 2016/2017

These old milk jugs were used to hold fish for the high lake stocking.

These old milk jugs were used to hold fish for the high lake stocking.

Fish Farm

Cleaning and maintaining of the fish farm has continued as business as usual. Nothing of note to report as the fish seem happy and healthy. The repairs and improvements in the fall have helped a great deal as well. Michael Thompson, the care taker of the farm, continues to do an excellent job.



No stocking happens during the winter months due to the Kids Ponds being completely iced over. It will resume in April and leading up the kids derby in May. Anglers continue to post pictures on social media of our Cuttbows being caught in Boulder Creek from the stocking in 2015.


Directors Meeting

The directors meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 14th at 6pm in the Flagstaff room at Boulder Public Library. Again all are welcome to attend.


Interested in donating to the kids derby?

We're always looking for donations for prizes for the kids derby in May. If you're interested in donating, please get in contact with us through the form in the about us tab.